Commander League 2025

Event Specifics:

Kick-off: Saturday, January 4th, 6:00 PM, $65

Week 2: Saturday, January 18th, 6:00 PM, $10

Week 3: Saturday, February 1st, 6:00 PM, $10

Finale: Saturday, February 15th, 6:00 PM, $10

General Information

Come in and play two rounds of Commander per week in our four week, bi-weekly league! In Week 1, all participants will be assigned a commander deck at random (no trading and no re-buys), plus a pack of sleeves and a deck box. What deck each player receives is known to staff at the time of purchase and will be recorded as they are distributed. Sleeves and boxes can be redeemed after deck reveal.

For Weeks 2, 3, and 4, each player will be allowed a $20 budget towards upgrading their deck. Cards may be sourced from anywhere, but their total value must not exceed $20. 

During the game, players will keep track of their points on the point card provided. In weeks 1, 2, and 3, prizing will be given out to the players with the most points. In the finale on Week 4, the top scorers for the entire league will win extra prizes!

Commander League 2025 has a player cap of 20 in the league total!

Read on for further details and the Achievement Sheet.

League Play:

League Play (Continued)

Budget Rules: $20 per week


Commander League 2025 Achievement and Point Scoring Sheet